Gift of Giving to Seniors

🎄Our 4th Annual Gift of Giving Christmas Card Campaign is set to begin on December 1! 🎄

We invite community members of all ages to participate:

✨Write a Christmas card, letter, or create a piece of artwork for Seniors/Elders living in Tweedsmuir House, Carroll Cottage, Heritage Manor, or the Pines;

✨ Drop off your creations between December 1 and 15 in the decorated collection boxes at either Burns Lake Public Library or Bulkley Valley Credit Union (Lakeview Mall, Burns Lake);

✨Lakes Literacy will deliver specially made packages of greetings to each location before Christmas!

Last year, we collected over 400 cards, letters, and works of art during this campaign! Do you think we can exceed that this year?

Practice those important letter & card writing skills and spread some kindness this holiday season 💌
